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The Dice Cup Hold Up & Slide - Dice Control

A false dice roll with a dice cup that doesn't have a lip around its rim can be used by cheats in multi-dice games to give themselves the advantage..

This move can be used in any three to five dice game like Buck Dice, Poker Dice, Cubilette, etc., using a dice cup that doesn't incorporate a tripping lip around the rim.  The cheat only controls the outcome of one of the dice, but this still gives him a significant advantage over the other honest players and he will win more games than the straight-playing dice players.

The cheat will push the dice into the cup, but saving the last die, with the spotted value he wants facing up, taken last.  This die is picked up in the bend of the cheat's little finger which curls around it.  The hand is then placed over the top of the cup's mouth when the dice are shaken with the little finger and die held just inside the cup's mouth.  The cheat will then swap the cup to his other hand but leaving the retained die resting just inside the cup's mouth.  The final move is then simply rolling the dice but making sure the fixed die is slid out of the cup without rolling end over end.

The best way to prevent this move is to use a tripped dice cup.  You may be able to spot this move by watching the player pick up the last dice and seeing whether it actually goes inside the dice cup.







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